Welcome to

Metrology Core

Metrology Core is a group of metrology sales and service organizations that understand the measurement challenges faced by our customers:  components are getting smaller, tolerances tighter, deliveries shorter, while demands for cost reductions continue.  To meet these challenges, the legacy methods of a traditional sales role are not adequate to achieve the goals of our members.  Metrology Core Partners strive for higher levels of satisfaction for their customers, suppliers and organizations.

Taking on today’s measurement challenges requires a sales organization that understands manufacturing processes and measurement requirements and solves those through a complete and thorough process including:

  • Application review
  • Demonstration of a proven solution
  • Careful implementation
  • A plan for sustained support

The Metrology Core Partner provides professional delivery of a documented installation, traceability to national and international standards, product training, and outlining an on-going support system to insure the measurement solution meets or exceeds the planned objectives.

Every Metrology Core Partner is dedicated to a single guiding principle:

Exceeding customer expectations is the highest honor we can attain

Our customers are assured that the Metrology Core Partner solves all of their metrology needs in a prompt and professional manner.

Our suppliers are assured that the Metrology Core Partner delivers optimal efficiencies from regionally based sales and support technical centers, that satisfy our mutual customers, maximize market share and reduce their cost of sales and support to the lowest possible level.

Striving to achieve

Mission Statement

Metrology Core supports the development of the most effective channel-to-market organizations across North America in service to metrology equipment suppliers and consumers.

We are a partnership of industry leaders who are committed to:

  • Delivering effective dimensional metrology
  • Working in concert to provide solution-based results to the supplier chain and customer base we service
  • Optimizing channel-to-market for all stakeholders

Metrology Core Partners collaborate to develop best practices and processes to maintain standards that are recognized by its member’s customers and suppliers as being the most innovative in the metrology industry.

Standards developed by the partnership are coordinated in strategic areas:

  • Marketing awareness of the latest technology available in the metrology industry
  • Educational programs co-developed and implemented for maximum effectiveness of the investments our customer base incorporates into their respective manufacturing operations
  • Services that are created and integrated to accepted ISO standards and that provide a valuable complement to our supplier services which in turn offer our customers the best possible regional support
  • Product enhancements that provide updated and advanced technologies

People behind the organization

Core Members

Metrology Core brings together the resources of 250 years of corporate experience, 16 facilities with over 80,000 square feet of demonstration, training and customer support space, 170 employees including 75 application engineers and service support specialists supporting metrology products across North America.

Each member is an independent organization united by the commitment to their ownership of our guiding principle:

Exceeding customer expectations is the highest honor we can attain

B.C. MacDonald & Co

Reggie MacDonald

Crescent Gage & Tool Sales

Mike Freauf

Indicate Technologies Inc.

John Hammond

Inspection Engineering

Michael Bergmann

Metrology Center®

Reggie MacDonald

Pacific Inspection Co.

Fred Kaifesh

Productivity Quality

Keith Summers

R.G. Loewenguth Co. Inc.

Thomas R. Loewenguth

Reach out for more engagement

Contact Us

Whether you’re a supplier of metrology products looking for a fast and efficient path to the market or a consumer of metrology products and services looking for consistent measurement solutions over a broad geographic area, the Metrology Core Partners would like to present our solutions to you.

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